Short post
Hello!! I am sorry for being busy this few days! >< And hi again to this world! Also to my friends here! I miss you all! Anyways, I thinks this is a random post! And I do not have time to put some kawaii gif's in here. When I was opened my email, i found many many messages out there. And as usual, many bloggers are inviting me in their giveaways -__- I appreciate it but I don't have any trip to do that now, maybe later or tomorrow. :'( Ooops! I recently visits my friend's blog and found out their notes for me!! (I will do a post about that later okay? c:) I am very thankful to know you guys. You know what, it made me happy! :) Actually, I am sick now. :( I have a fever and throat problem that's why Im not in a mood right now.. I opened my blog to check what happens here! -___-" And I updated my blog in this short post and hoping you will read this as soon as you visit my blog~ ( btw, don't forget to leave a message.) So guyyyys, I need ti take a rest. Maybe I will be fine later if I take a rest now. And I'm planning to change the skin of my blog and STILL thinking if I will move in other address.. Okay, I think that's enough! I will read your messages as soon if I am okay. :) I will miss ya guys! Keep in touch okay? <3 Bye bye!{ 0 comments }