Versatile Blogger Award♥

Hello my dear readers! photo tumblr_inline_mocgbk1gyF1rxsw83_zps27152d24.gif I'm back again! Everyday post! Haha! Okay, lately I've posted 'bout that VBA thingy and hoping for someone will tag me. And tadaaa~ Sootus tagged me! Welcome to my company. Teeehee.  photo tumblr_inline_mocgbq1lH31rxsw83_zps6b69ddd9.gif

VBA Rules
If you are nominated, you’ve been awarded the Versatile Blogger award.
1. Thank the person who gave you this award.
2. Include a link to their blog.
3. Next, select 15 blogs/bloggers that you’ve recently discovered or follow regularly. ( I would add, pick blogs or bloggers that are excellent!) Nominate those 15 bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award — you might include a link to this site.
4. Finally, tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself.

Say hi to the person who tagged me!  photo tumblr_inline_mocgbk1gyF1rxsw83_zps27152d24.gif The name is Sootus. Thankyou for this award lol. Even if Idunno what is the meaning of that? Tehee.


Hello to you! And thankyou for tagging me! I am happy because you guys are choosing me to do this! Clap clap! ^^ And ohh, SORRY because I am too lazy to do it again. So I think to add you here♥ I hope you will always visiting my blog. Again, thanks and have a happy life. :)

PS: Can we be friends from now on? :)

I nominated them, because I love them, their post and their cute blog! I want to be their friend. Even I have friends in some of them. (You know in yourself laaah.) ♥ Only 10 because I was so lazy if I pick up 5 more.

 photo tumblr_inline_mmzqop2vNL1qz4rgp_zps11e4124f.gif Nida
 photo tumblr_inline_mmzqop2vNL1qz4rgp_zps11e4124f.gif Yana
 photo tumblr_inline_mmzqop2vNL1qz4rgp_zps11e4124f.gif Dira
 photo tumblr_inline_mmzqop2vNL1qz4rgp_zps11e4124f.gif Polarbear
 photo tumblr_inline_mmzqop2vNL1qz4rgp_zps11e4124f.gif Uhmy
 photo tumblr_inline_mmzqop2vNL1qz4rgp_zps11e4124f.gif Syarifah
 photo tumblr_inline_mmzqop2vNL1qz4rgp_zps11e4124f.gif Usagi
 photo tumblr_inline_mmzqop2vNL1qz4rgp_zps11e4124f.gif Leepy
 photo tumblr_inline_mmzqop2vNL1qz4rgp_zps11e4124f.gif Nyobi
 photo tumblr_inline_mmzqop2vNL1qz4rgp_zps11e4124f.gif Maila

7 Facts About Me

 photo tumblr_inline_mkp7nnQ2NY1qz4rgp_zps04e614fa.gifI am moody! Yeahh.  photo -304B304A30823058-_m_zps29a96523.gif
 photo tumblr_inline_mkp7nnQ2NY1qz4rgp_zps04e614fa.gifI am friendly even in boys. So sometimes, many girls talked 'bout me that "Im a bitch". Even though Im not.  photo -304B304A30823058-_m1_zpsec9b2ccd.gif
 photo tumblr_inline_mkp7nnQ2NY1qz4rgp_zps04e614fa.gifI loved to cook, makeups and all of the pretty goods.  photo -304B304A30823058-_m2_zps654b9e64.gif
 photo tumblr_inline_mkp7nnQ2NY1qz4rgp_zps04e614fa.gifI AM A FILIPINO! ♥  photo -304B304A30823058-_m2_zps654b9e64.gif
 photo tumblr_inline_mkp7nnQ2NY1qz4rgp_zps04e614fa.gif Love to read and write stories such as love, horror, fantasy etc.
 photo tumblr_inline_mkp7nnQ2NY1qz4rgp_zps04e614fa.gifCan't live without gadgets!
 photo tumblr_inline_mkp7nnQ2NY1qz4rgp_zps04e614fa.gif I love parties because Imma party people! (I drink but Im not smoke.)

So I think, I'm already done! I have headache because I got home in 12:00 in the morning because of my barkada's birthday! I got drunk and urgh headache attacks coupled with more rain. Til here! Xiexie♥

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